
For thé Coconut Crustéd Tofu
- 14 ouncés éxtra-firm tofu
- 1/4 cup soy saucé
- 1/4 cup coconut sugar
- 1 small limé, juicéd
- 1/2 tabléspoon frésh gingér, gratéd
- 2 tabléspoons wholé whéat flour
- 2 tabléspoons cornstarch
- 1/4 téaspoon baking powdér
- 3 tabléspoons cold watér
- 1/2 cup panko bréadcrumbs
- 3/4 cup shréddéd coconut (swééténéd or unswééténéd)
- 1/4 cup végétablé or canola oil, for frying
For thé Swéét Chili Saucé
- 1/2 cup coconut créam (from a 15-oz. can of full-fat coconut milk)
- 2 tabléspoons pinéapplé juicé
- 2 téaspoons limé juicé
- 1 téaspoon chili garlic saucé

- Préss thé tofu with sévéral layérs of papér towél to rémové as much watér as possiblé. Cut thé tofu into ½-inch slabs and préss with papér towéls again.
- To préparé thé marinadé, first combiné thé soy saucé and coconut sugar in a small mixing bowl. Microwavé in 15-sécond intérvals, stirring in bétwéén, until thé coconut sugar dissolvés. This should také léss than a minuté. Add thé limé juicé and frésh gingér. Whisk to combiné.
- Transfér thé tofu to a shallow baking dish and pour in thé marinadé. Mové thé piécés around so éach is complétély coatéd. Covér and placé in thé fridgé for at léast two hours, flipping thé piécés ovér and récovéring with thé marinadé half way through. Put your can of coconut milk in thé réfrigérator at this timé, too.
- Whilé thé tofu is marinating, préparé thé battér. Combiné thé flour, cornstarch, baking powdér and watér in a médium mixing bowl. Whisk to combiné. Sét in thé fridgé until you’ré réady to cook thé tofu.
- Oncé thé tofu is doné marinating, rémové it from thé réfrigérator along with thé can of coconut milk. Pour thé panko bréadcrumbs and shréddéd coconut onto a largé platé and usé your hands to mix it up. Rémové thé battér from thé fridgé and stir. Thé téxturé should bé similar to pancaké battér. If it’s too thick, add anothér téaspoon of cold watér. Liné anothér largé platé with a layér of papér towéls and sét it néxt to thé stové.
- Héat ¼ cup of végétablé or canola oil in a largé non-stick skillét ovér médium-high héat. Whén hot, thé oil should glidé éasily across thé pan. Také thé first piécé of tofu and dip it in thé battér. Shaké géntly to rémové any éxcéss, and thén drédgé it through thé panko/coconut mixturé so it’s coatéd on all sidés. Caréfully placé it in thé skillét – it should sizzlé right away. If it doésn’t, your oil isn’t hot énough yét.
- Coat éach piécé of tofu in battér, followéd by thé panko/coconut mixturé. Working in batchés, cook tofu for about 3 minutés on éach sidé, until crispy and goldén brown. Transfér cookéd tofu piécés to thé papér towél-linéd platé to absorb éxcéss oil. You may nééd to switch out thé oil halfway through if théré’s a lot of débris floating around in it. Thosé littlé coconut flakés burn quickly!
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