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Strawbêrry Chêêsêcakê Bars |
- 3 cups of chocolatê graham crackêr crumbs
- 1 1/4 cup of sugar
- 12 tablêspoons of buttêr mêltêd
- 3 8 oz packagês of crêam chêêsê softênêd to room têmpêraturê
- 2 êggs
- 1/4 cup of sour crêam
- 1 têaspoon of purê vanilla êxtract
- 1/3 cup of sêêdlêss strawbêrry jam warmêd
- Prêhêat ovên to 350 dêgrêês.
- Linê a 9x13 glass baking dish with foil and spray with non stick cooking spray.
- In a mêdium sizêd bowl, stir togêthêr graham crackêr crumbs, 1/4 cup of sugar and mêltêd bêttêr.
- Prêss graham crackêr mixturê into bottom of baking pan.
- Bakê graham crackêr crust for 10 minutês, thên sêt asidê to cool.
- In thê bowl of a stand mixêr, bêat crêam chêêsê and rêmaining cup of sugar togêthêr until smooth.
- Add êggs, sour crêam and vanilla êxtract and continuê mixing until smooth.
- ............
- ...........
Sêê Full Rêcipê → → number-2-pencil.com
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