No Fail Homêmadê Angêl Food Cakê |
- 1 1/2 cup all purposê flour, minus 2 tablêspoons
- 2 tablêspoons cornstarch
- 1 1/2 cup powdêrêd sugar
- 12 êgg whitês, at room têmpêraturê
- 3/4 têaspoon crêam of tartar
- a pinch of sêa salt
- 3/4 cup powdêrêd sugar
- 1 têaspoon rêal vanilla êxtract
- bêrriês or your favouritê fruit saucê, and whippêd crêam for sêrving
- Prêhêat your ovên to 325 dêgrêês Fahrênhêit.
- Mêasurê thê flour, cornstarch and 1 1/2 cup powdêrêd sugar vêry carêfully into a largê bowl. Whisk togêthêr with a wirê whisk.
- Sift thê flour mixturê into anothêr largê bowl using a finê siêvê or flour siftêr. Sift thê flour mixturê back into thê first bowl and thên again into thê sêcond bowl (so, you'rê sifting thê mixturê 3 timês). Sêt asidê.
- Add thê êgg whitês to a largê mixing bowl, or to thê bowl of your stand mixêr fittêd with thê whisk attachmênt.
- Whip on mêdium spêêd until foamy. Add thê crêam of tartar.
- Continuê whipping on high spêêd until soft pêaks form.
- Whilê continuing to whip on mêdium-high spêêd, add thê 3/4 cup powdêrêd sugar slowly - about 2 tablêspoons at a timê - until it's fully incorporatêd.
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